
Wednesday 3 April 2013

Sword fighter

If I didn't work in MI I think I would like to be a professional sword fighter. 

I saw a job advert for one today. 

I have the hat with an ostrich feather stuck on the side, but I don't have a sword or a horse. Apparently having your own sword and horse are a prerequiste and part of the job description. As it happens I can't actually ride a horse, but if I had one it would have to be a white horse. 

I can't actually sword fight either, but it can't be that difficult, I have seen many sword fights in films and it looks easy. If an actor can do it then anyone could. I bet sword fighting is an exciting job though, although the advert doesn't explain what's involved.

When it came to pay day I would refuse the pay, as being a sword fighter would be rather dashing. 

That would be payment enough.


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